We are looking forward to your joining Justice Lewis and his family and friends on the evening April 18, 2019,in the classic elegance of Coral Gables Country Club when Florida’s legal community will celebrate and commemorate Justice Lewis’s distinguished legal and judicial career.
The doors will open at 5:30 PM for hors d’oeuvres and cocktails, with dinner served at 7:00 PM, followed by brief lighthearted comments and insightful observations regarding Justice Lewis’ contributions to the bench and bar of the State of Florida by some of his notable colleagues from over the years.

The Florida Supreme Court Historical Society is proud to be hosting the retirement event honoring Justice Lewis with much appreciation to the hard work of the event host committee, Howard Coker, Edward G Guedes, Edith Osman, Neal Roth, Herman Russomanno.
With many thanks to the event’s many sponsors and co-hosts that include, prominent firms, and local and statewide Bar organizations.
Sponsorship opportunities are available for this significant event. Additional information is available online at Retirement Celebration Sponsorships or by contacting Mark Miller at 850-385-3098
Event Details
Thursday, April 18, 2019
Justice R. Fred Lewis Retirement Celebration
Coral Gables County Club
997 North Greenway Drive
Coral Gables, Florida, 33134
5:30 pm Doors Open
7:00 pm Dinner
Early Reservations Rate: $95, on/before Friday, April, 12. 2019
Standard Reservations Rate: $115, on/after Saturday, April, 13. 2019
On-site Rates: $135 (if available) on /after Tues., April 16. 2019
Event & Table Sponsorship opportunities are available now
Accommodations for Out of Town Guests
The Historical Society has made arrangements for a limited number of rooms at a discounted rate of $199 a night at the Colonnade in Coral Gables for reservations made by April 8, 2019.
Hotel Colonnade Coral Gables
180 Aragon Ave
Coral Gables FL 33134
(305) 441-2600
Reserve your room online for the Colonnade here: