The Florida Supreme Court Historical Society's Nominating committee has opened nominations to all Florida Supreme Court Historical Society (FSCHS) Members that would like to express their interest in serving as a Trustee on the Society's Board for a three-year term starting July 1, 2025. The deadline for completing and returning the Expression of Interest Application to the Society's office is Friday, May 2, 2025.

Serving as a Historical Society Trustee

The Florida Supreme Court Historical Society’s Nominating Committee seeks nominations for individuals with leadership and management experience to serve on the Board of Trustees. The History Society will elect the nominated Trustees during our Annual Membership Meeting on June 26, 2025, during The Florida Bar Annual Convention in Orlando..

Trustee members provide leadership, a shared vision, and a sense of mission, and are responsible for the fiscal health of the Historical Society. We are looking for leaders with:

  • proven performance and a commitment to the legal profession
  • time and ability to serve
  • sound judgment and integrity
  • enthusiasm for honoring and preserving of history of Florida's judiciary

The Board meets twice yearly, including once at The Florida Bar Annual Convention. Trustees participate each year in the Society’s “centerpiece event,” A Supreme Evening, the annual reception and dinner in Tallahassee attended by governmental leaders, judges, attorneys, educators, and special guests. The event has attracted large, enthusiastic audiences and has featured prominent keynote speakers, including former Governors and Supreme Court Justices.

The Society is a working Board and has many active committees, Potential Trustees are asked to consider volunteering to participate in committee work to further the goals and strategic plan of the Society.

The mission of the Florida Supreme Court Historical Society is two-fold:

  1. Educating the public about the critically important role of the courts in protecting personal rights and freedoms, as well as resolving the myriad of disputes that arise within the state; and
  2. Preserving the rich history of Florida’s judicial system. The Society has undertaken the publication of books that chronicle the history of the Supreme Court of Florida, more than 20 oral histories honoring individuals who have had a major influence on the state’s judicial system, and maintaining archives of historical documents.

Individuals wishing to be considered for appointment as a Trustee for a three-year term beginning July 1, 2025 should complete an Expression of Interest Application

Trustee responsibilities include but are not limited to:

  • Formulate the general policy to be followed in the management of the affairs, property and business of the Society; and
  • Elect the Officers of the Society; and
  • Assist the President and the Executive Director to acquire by gift, grant, device, bequest, purchase or otherwise, all manner of historical material relating to the Supreme Court of Florida and, in connection therewith, to solicit and receive donations; and
  • Establish ad hoc committees, not specifically provided for in these Bylaws, as the Board may deem advisable in the administration of the affairs of the Society. Such committees shall advise and consult with the Board, and their existence shall terminate at the next annual meeting; and
  • Authorize the expenditure of monies for the payment of salaries, current expenses, the purchase of acquisitions, and any and all purposes connected with the advancement of the Society's interests, and may delegate to the President or Executive Director the administration of the expenditures so authorized; and
  • Participate in one or more of the Society’s Standing Committees; Nominating Committee, Acquisitions Committee, Membership Committee, Publications Committee, Budget and Finance Committee, Special Gifts Committee, Oral History Committee  and ad hoc committees as appropriate.  

All powers exercised by the Board of Trustees shall be consistent with the objectives and purposes for which the Society is formed and the provisions of Sections 501(03) of the Internal Revenue Code.

Download and complete the Expression of Interest Application


Telephone:       (850) 385 3098 

Main contact:   Mark Miller, Executive Director

The deadline for completing and returning the to the Society's office is Friday, May 3, 2024.

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