Florida’s premier judicial event, a Supreme Evening the annual dinner event of the Florida Supreme Court Historical Society, takes place at the University Center Club in Tallahassee, on Thursday, January 19th, the eve of an historic presidential inauguration.
Our dynamic and interesting keynote presenter is in a unique position to provide us with keen insight into the possible influence our new president-elect will have on the U.S. Supreme Court and the nation.
Jeffrey Rosen is President
and CEO of the National Constitution Center, professor at The George Washington University Law School, non-resident senior fellow at Brookings Institution, and contributing editor for The Atlantic. Mr. Rosen’s book, Louis Brandeis, American Prophet, was just published in June, on the 100th anniversary of Brandeis’ Supreme Court confirmation.
The Chicago Tribune named Rosen one of the ten best magazine journalists in America, and the Los Angeles Times called him the nation's most widely read and influential legal commentator.
Lifetime Achievement Award
The Florida Supreme Court Historical Society will posthumously honor Janet Reno with its Lifetime Achievement Award at the Annual Dinner.

Janet Reno was a warrior for justice and inspired innovator. She served as a role model and mentor to anyone with whom she dealt.
She was genuine, extraordinarily wise, and loved everyone -- above all our children. Few have blessed this nation, and those in public service, with a greater legacy of commitment to integrity and appreciation for America’s magnificent resources.
She was a valued member of this Historical Society for many years. Ms. Reno's Sister, Maggy Hurchalla, will accept the award at the Society's Annual Dinner Event on her behalf.
A Supreme Evening will be hosted at
University Center Club
403 Stadium Drive
Tallahassee, FL 32304
Thursday, January 19, 2017
5:30 pm Reception – Champions Club Level – 4th Floor
7:00 pm Dinner – Grand Ballroom – 3rd Floor
Recommended attire
Event & Table Sponsorship
As our main fundraising effort of the year, the 2017 Annual Dinner makes it possible for the Historical Society to carry out its mission to educate the public about the critically important work of the courts in protecting personal rights and freedoms.
Hotel information for out of town guests
Aloft Tallahassee Downtown
200 North Monroe Street
Tallahassee, FL 32301
(850) 513-0313
A block of rooms has been reserved for our out-of-town attendees. When making a reservation, state you are with the Florida Supreme Court Historical Society for group rate of $139 OR click here to make your reservation online.